Library Resources
Start your search with these popular library resources
Ask a Librarian
Ask UAMS Librarians for assistance.
A to Z Digital Resources
Find the best library databases for your research.
Board Reviews
Board reviews provide access to question and test banks
Browse and search site
Complete list of website contents and user guides
Clinical-Hospital Resources
These resources assist the health care professional in the hospital or clinic setting.
COM ebook List
List of COM ebooks.
eJournals and ebooks
UAMS eJournals and eBooks
eJournals by Subject
eJournals by Subject
Health Statistics Resources
Health Statistics Information at the county, state, national, and international levels.
Image Resources
Library image resources.
Library Catalog
New resources at the UAMS Library
PubMed® comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature.
PubMed User Guide
PubMed is built and maintained by the National Library of Medicine.
Request a Lit Search
Literature search request.
Request a Librarian Appointment
This form may be used to request an appointment.
Test and Instruments Resources
Many journal literature databases provide access to tests, instruments, and reviews.